Our Safety

You matter to us.
That's why we intentionally take several measures to ensure physical, spiritual and emotional safety. You. Can. Trust T Bar M for serious fun AND safety!
We ensure proper training, certification and equipment inspection on all high adventure activities.
These are the areas of physical safety we consider:
- High Ropes Course
- Adventure Activities (like mountain bikes, the Barn Swing, the Zero Shock, etc. etc.)
- Water Activities (Yep, there’s always a swim test!)
- Medical Care (“Hello, Nurse!”…there’s one on property All. The. Time.)
- Summer Staff: We take to heart the hiring and training of summer staff, as well as investing in their lives.
Relational Safety
In order for relationships to grow healthier at camp, campers need to not only be safe, but they need to feel safe. This is an aspect of camper safety we do not overlook when working with our campers, or training our staff. Below are the steps we take to ensure campers are relationally safe:
- All staff go through a state approved Abuse Prevention Program (Ministry Safe).
- Each camper hears an age appropriate talk about how to spot and prevent inappropriate behavior.
- All staff are trained on bully prevention.
- All staff are trained to help kids process through and overcome home sickness.
- Post-Camp Contact Policies are provided for staff and parents.
On top of training our staff about camper safety, each of our camps show this camper safety video on Opening Day for all our campers.

Emergency Safety
Here at camp, we recognize that the unexpected always has the potential to occur. Not only do we implement a myriad of safety measures, but we also train our staff on how to respond if different emergencies arise.
We have procedures covering what to do with: a missing child, utility outages, medical emergencies, fires or explosions, adverse weather conditions, and violent perpetrators. We also have a very strict protocol for anyone visiting our properties. If you have any further questions about our emergency procedures, please reach out to one of our directors.
High Risk Activities
While activities like the ropes course or our pool toys may be scary, our high-risk activities are all safe. That sets the stage for adventure that has an impact.
The steps we take to ensure camper safety on high-risk activities are as follows:
Ropes Course:
- An ACCT Accredited Level 1 Practioner is on the course at all times while in use
- Our courses are inspected annually by Adventure Experience and quarterly by an in-house supervisor*
- All staff receives on-course training and must pass a written and skills test
- Participating campers wear harnesses and helmets
Other Activities
- All staff are trained and tested on all activities they facilitate
- Protective gear is worn for activities that require it
- All big toys receive annual state certification
- All staff are trained on each toy they facilitate
*Our in-house inspector is ACCT Accredited Level 2

Water Safety
Whether in one of our massive pools or on Lake Travis at Camp Travis, water safety is important to us. We know the Texas summer and we know how to be safe and have fun in the water.
The steps we take to ensure camper safety on the water are as follows:
- Lifeguards are on duty whenever campers are in the pool or lake (1 life guard and 3 non-lifeguard staff for every 35 campers)
- All water safety staff have their First Aid, CPR and Lifeguard certifications through American Red Cross
- Every Camper takes a Swim Test*
- All boaters have their Texas Boater License
- Life Jackets (US Coast Guard approved) are zipped and buckled before campers enter the water (at Camp Travis)
*If a camper does not pass the swim test, they will receive a life jacket to wear while in the pool. Their coach will wear one too so that a camper is not the only one wearing a life jacket.
Staff hiring and training
Some camps call them counselors, but here we call them Coaches. For these college students, this is not 'just a summer job', it's an opportunity to invest, to make a difference, to be a part of something bigger than themselves.

Our directors devote several months in the fall and spring to engaging college students on their campuses about the opportunity to work at T Bar M Camps.Hiring
Students complete an extensive online application requiring references and a background check. Camp directors interview each applicant with challenging questions to uncover a student’s life story, their character, and passion.Investment
Every coach attends Bible study twice a week and also belongs to a small ‘covenant’ group led by one of our leadership staff.We hire great staff.
And then bring them to camp before summer for an intense training time where they learn the T Bar M way. Our program includes a 9-day training session where staff are trained on:
- Camp Policies and Procedures
- Camp Crisis Management Protocol (inclement weather, fire, etc.)
- How to Safely Pperate and Facilitate All Activities
- How to Lead Bible Study Curriculum
- How to Appropriately Care For and Invest in Campers
- The Basics of Abuse Prevention

Safety Always Matters
At T Bar M, safety is our top priority! We understand that you are trusting us with your child and we want to assure you that we take it seriously. That's why we go above and beyond to ensure ALL parts of safety – physical, spiritual, and emotional – are valued at camp. Thank you for trusting us with your child.
Medical Care
Our medical staff is ready and willing to meet our campers with whatever may come between them and a great week at camp.
The steps we take to ensure camper medical safety are as follows:
- A medical professional holding one of the following certifications (RN, LVN, MD, PA, EMT or Paramedic) is always available and lives on camp property.
- Access to first responders and hospitals
- Accommodating food allergies
- Focus on hydration and sunscreen