The T Bar M Forward Campaign aims to expand our property, update existing facilities, and present Jesus Christ through new adventures for all who walk through our gates.

Campaign Progress:
$28.5 Million for Phase 1 & 2
$20.8M Raised
GOAL: Help us reach $28.5 million for Phase 1 and 2. Thank you for your support!

Our Families Say So ...

  • Being a part of T Bar M from the beginning, our family is overjoyed to contribute to the Forward Campaign. Witnessing the growth and impact of this grassroots ministry has been a true blessing and a testament to God’s grace through T Bar M. We wholeheartedly believe that by expanding the property and investing in new ministry opportunities, T Bar M will continue to touch many lives - one-by-one. It’s quite humbling when we consider the modest beginnings that were graced with big dreams more than four decades ago.
    The Turpins | T Bar M’s Founding Family

  • Very seldom do opportunities come along to invest in something that will 100% impact the kingdom in a tangible way. The forward campaign is one of those opportunities and TBARM is one of those ministries. My self and my family could not be more excited to partner with TBARM to build something that will impact eternity through a project that spreads the love of Jesus.
    Lee Dunn | Trustee and Forward Campaign Chair

  • My role is uniquely positioned to hear many life-changing stories through T Bar M Camps & Retreats. Speaking as both a witness and as someone who has been changed through this organization, I am deeply committed to offering more Christ Centered adventure to all who come through our gates. The Forward campaign lets us be a part of more transformational stories while continuing the mission of presenting Jesus Christ and teaching His ways. I am humbled to be part of this incredible journey and invite you to partner with T Bar M to make a lasting difference.
    John MacDonald | T Bar M President
  • God began impacting our lives through T Bar M Camps as college students. The intentionality of discipleship, hard work, community and outrageous fun shaped who we are and how we live to this day. The impact continued as our children were campers and coaches themselves. Their lives were also changed. The Forward Campaign will help T Bar M Camps and Retreats continue what God does in thousands of lives and families. We encourage you to be a part of T Bar M continuing to live out their mission of loving God and loving others.
    Robert & Kelli Boyd | Longtime T Bar M Family
  • As a previous Camper and Coach, I am truly honored to endorse the T Bar M Camps and Retreats Forward Campaign. This Campaign will perfectly position T Bar M for a future of eternally impacting lives, just as my life was eternally impacted by this Christ-centered adventure! The T Bar M mantra of Love God, Love Others shouts the mission and it’s the very mission that we, at Christian Brothers Automotive strive towards daily.
    Donnie Carr | President and CEO of Christian Brothers Automotive Corportation, Longtime T Bar M Family

    Kaitlin Ha, Family Camp Coach
    "Family Camp was such an integral part of my growth personally, spiritually, and relationally with my family. The opportunity to be a part of that for families now has been the kindest gift from the Lord and an incredible blessing."
    Chris Ogren, Family Camp Director
    "Our aim is to create a space where families can experience Jesus in a meaningful way, inspiring and equipping them for ongoing family discipleship long after they leave T Bar M. During a week away from their daily routines, families have the chance to worship and talk about Jesus side by side, growing together in faith!"
    The Elmore Family
    "We had no expectations, and we were just blown away. We are T Bar M for life now. Camp gets us out of the ordinary, out of the schedule, and out of the crank of life. It allows us to step back, reset, and get quality time, having conversations and devotionals together."

Where we love God and love others through a camp & retreat experience.

Future Impact Numbers


Amount of families served


Guests served during the retreats season


Additional acres to our New Braunfels Property


Backed by trustees

Phase 1: Completely Funded

  • New dining hall where Campers and families connect over meals
  • Added water feature bringing beauty to our property
  • Open field space where we trust God will move in hearts through play and intentional conversations

Phase 2: Current Phase

  • New ropes course creating more opportunities for Christ-centered Adventure
  • Additional 6+ member cabins where families draw closer to God and each other
  • New sports center that will be filled with fun and competition

Phase 3: Future Development

  • Beautiful new welcome center opening our gates to serve the community
  • New outdoor sanctuary for families to worship together
  • Additional cabins to make space for more families and retreat guests

Partner with us to expand our gates.

Your gift will go directly to the expansion, updates, and new adventures that will allow for more people to Love God and Love Others through a camp and retreat experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the Forward Campaign project being funded?

Every member of the T Bar M family, including trustees, staff, donors, volunteers, and friends, as well as the philanthropic community tied to T Bar M, will be given an opportunity to participate in this capital campaign to build an extraordinary Camp for future generations.

How will gifts and pledges to the Forward campaign be collected?

All pledge commitments will be made to T Bar M Camps & Retreats. T Bar M will be responsible for sending out acknowledgment letters, required bookkeeping, mailing pledge statements, and preparing annual tax statements for the three-year pledge commitment period.

Is my contribution tax-deductible?

Yes, T Bar M is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (Tax ID 75-1671920). All contributions are tax-deductible in accordance with federal law.

What types of gifts will be accepted?

We are gratefully accepting multi-year pledges, one-time gifts, monthly gifts, and stock transfers. If you would like additional information on making a gift, please email Cole Adams or call 830.620.4263 ext. 2400

Why is this project important?

We are confident that this project will allow for the increase in ministry that is already in demand, evident in our many current waitlists and the rapidly growing city of New Braunfels.

Will my annual gifts count as my forward gift?

Your annual gifts to T Bar M are still vital to our current success and stability. Capital Campaign gifts would be additional gifts directed to the development of our future sites and required facility improvements.

What is the timeframe of the project?

Our hope is to break ground in 2024. Right now, we are carefully moving forward with our campaign, building estimates, concept design, and identifying mission-aligned strategic partners to be a part of this project.

Who should I contact if I have questions?

All questions regarding the capital campaign should be directed to Cole Adams, Senior Director of Development.

Contact us to learn more.

For Donor Opportunities,
contact Cole Adams
830-620-2602 x2400