Fired Up

Theme Verse
From creation God has placed in men and women the innate desire to hope. Here’s the problem, we consistently place our hope in the wrong things. We find ourselves putting our hope in people, things, movements or dreams. The happiness only lasts for a moment, because lasting joy needs an eternal root. Paul reminds us here that we can have joy when we place our hope in Jesus. In Philippians Paul reminds them where their source of joy should be: Jesus, the risen savior of the world. No matter what we face, we can be Fired Up that Jesus rescued us from our sin!
At camp we say we are FUAGNEM – Fired Up And Going Nuts Every Minute. This begs the question why are we “Fired Up”? Is it because camp is so fun? NO! (Although it is very fun to be at camp) We are Fired Up because of Jesus: who He is, what He did and what He will do. Every minute, no matter what, no matter how difficult, we choose Jesus. He is hope worth “going nuts” about! This summer, we rejoice IN THE LORD by proclaiming we are Fired Up!
Themes we love and remember