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Dialed In

Theme Verse
Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18
Love God, Love Each Other. It is our mantra here at camp, and people all over the world recognize the importance of love. But if people think love is important, then how is there so much conflict? What is the disconnect? Is there a barometer to test what REAL love looks like? The apostle John tells us the true test and proof of one’s love is not one’s verbal profession of it (in words and tongue) but one’s willingness to act out the true love they have (with actions and in truth). This is best displayed by Jesus Christ himself. He said He loved us and indeed He did. But as the saying goes, “the proof is in the pudding.” He proved His love for us by willingly sacrificing Himself for us. His love is THE REAL DEAL.
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