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2024 Summer Overview!

Reflecting on this summer, we are reminded of the powerful truth in Psalm 115:1: 'Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name goes all the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness.' The Bible says that glory is even more exclusive than we think — only God himself is glorious!

From the rookie Campers to the seasoned Coaches, we've witnessed joyful life-change. Our theme, 'Glory Days,' has guided us in shifting our focus from personal achievements to honoring God's name. As we look back, we see a summer filled with moments where Campers chose to put God first, celebrating His works and love. These experiences have shown us that living 'not to us' is about finding joy in serving others and glorifying God in all we do.

Glory Days!

"Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name goes all the glory for your unfailing love and faithfulness." - Psalm 115:1

886 Campers

trusted in Jesus for the first time!

Join us in jumping for JOY!

What does it mean to place your trust in Jesus Christ? Check out this blog to read about the Gospel and salvation!

332 Coaches

Served at T Bar M this summer!

"The Coaches are amazing. I know my daughter will be seen, known, and uniquely invested in. Thank you for all you do to make this Camp the legacy it is."

-Base Camp Parent

122,039 Photos

uploaded for families to view!

We want to see your favorites! Tag us on social in the most FUAGNEM photo of your camper!



on your favorite Instagram post this summer!

We think it makes total sense that our most liked summer photo captures the love of a Coach and Camper. There's not much better than words of encouragement on closing day!

250 Alumni

walked back through our gates!

We love connecting with T Bar M Alumni! Whether you are bringing your Camper to experience a new generation of fun or simply want to reconnect with the T Bar M family, we would love to hear from you! 

Update your alumni profile!

1,791.1 Miles

traveled by our Discover Camp Staff!

T Bar M Discover Camp travels all around Texas to bring Camp to your hometown! We partner with local churches who allow us to use their space to bring a fun and faith filled day camp experience to your Campers!

Top 5

Skit characters!

NB Day Camp: Tommy Turnip & Kelli Kiwi

Discover Camp: Kim Purton & Gucciano DiCaprio

Base Camp: Bob Dugan and the Hawk Hunters

Camp Travis: George Washington's British Nightmare Band

Family Camp: Mission Impossible Squirrel 

And the winner is...

The Omegas have triumphed after a summer of fierce competition! After a long, hard battle, they’ve claimed the victory. Alphas, will you rise to reclaim your title next summer? 

Church Partners

Christ-centered adventure has been shared with 20 church partners over the past 9 years. We are looking for new church partners as we continue to bring the gates of T Bar M to your town.

Could you connect us to an amazing children's ministry at your local church based in Houston, Austin, or DFW and their surrounding areas?

Learn More!

Retreat with us!

Did you know that from September to mid-May we serve custom retreats for groups of all sizes? From church retreats and corporate meetings to school field trips and student organizations, we're here to serve you! 

Retreat with us!

Summer 2025 here we come!

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