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Iron Sharpens Iron

Working at T Bar M brings a lot of intangible benefits that help make up for the low pay and plastic mattresses for a summer.  We all walked away with:
...a deeper love for the Lord,
...heightened work ethic,
...great memories,
...changed lives.

The Lord changed our lives through the people we served alongside. Those people, those relationships, sure make the end of the summer a bit harder when we are called to go on our own paths and say goodbye.

It happens for those of us that work here year-round, too. Sometimes we, as “adults”, get to say goodbye as God takes us on new paths.

Chris Shelton, who has served as our Director of Camps and Camp Travis Director, has his current season at
T Bar M coming to an end.
  (But yay for us … the Shelton Family is remaining in New Braunfels).

Much like we all experienced with relationships in our summers at camp, Chris’ impact in leading the Camp Travis staff and the entire Director Team is dear because the Lord uses His people to sharpen others … just like God intends it to be.  “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.”  Proverbs 27:17.

Chris (and his “camp relationship” turned wife, Rachel) have sharpened many people as they have served at T Bar M. Below, the staff he serves with now share how they have been sharpened while working with Chris.   We gladly share this list with you and hope it is a challenge for you too!

14 things we learned from Chris Shelton

"He is so caring and thoughtful not only in the workplace, but he and Rachel have invested in me personally. Which makes me want to shepherd and steward the people and work that I am involved with in every area of my life."   – Kenna

"I have learned the balance of being a leader and a friend. He pursues me as a team member & friend. Chris models what it looks like to be the hands and feet of Jesus in caring for the people around him as he jumps into action when things are hard."  – Chris O

"I learned to always believe the best about people!" - Cassie

"I learned more about the importance of prayer through the way he modeled it for us." - Will

"The way Chris leads out of vulnerability and honesty is encouraging, challenging, and inspiring."  - Emily

"Taking care of your people is the best way to take care of your ministry." - D

"Three words true of Chris – Belief, Vision and Activator. He leads with strong beliefs, holds fast to his conviction, and is excellent at capturing and casting vision for the mission. He initiates action in others, calls us to “excel still more” while instilling deep faith in us as a team. These qualities are highly impactful to our team as it has cultivated a team culture of passion, purpose, and being proactive!" - Jena

"Through Chris Shelton, I have seen 1 Thessalonians 2:8 lived out. He doesn't just lead our team but shares his heart and life with us." -Nola

"Chris has taught me that anything worth fixing or correcting is worth every bit of the time, energy, and resources needed to make it happen. His work ethic is admirable and something I strive for!" - Ryan

"Chris embodies the principle that "if you love someone, you show up." He is there for others in times of need, going out of his way to make them feel cared of, regardless of what it cost him." - Austin

"Chris models a supreme example of hospitality, a passion for the Word of God and graciousness in hard conversations." -Matt

"Every time he finishes a meeting he says, 'I like you, guys'. That, along with him and Rachel inviting me into his life expresses his genuine 'I’m glad you are here.'" -T ori

"He is a great example in being the hands and feet of Jesus." - Jordan

"I learned to invite people into my life the way he and his family does." - Drea

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The 3rd Annual T Bar M Classic

On October 7th, 2024, we gathered for the 3rd Annual T Bar M Classic - and what a day it was! With over 90 golfers coming together to enjoy some friendly competition and support a cause close to our hearts, the energy was high at Kissing Tree Golf Club. Thanks to the generosity of our […]
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What I Discovered This Summer

30 people. 8 churches. 6 vehicles. 1 mission. 3 things I discovered along the way.   "This summer, the Discover Camp team was sent out on mission in the great state of Texas for the 9th time! In case you are unfamiliar, Discover Camp is our traveling Day Camp program that partners with local churches to […]
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T Bar M?
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