Hello From Oaxaca!

Timothy Team 29 Says Hello From Oaxaca!
Travel went really smoothly today, we didn’t have any major issues at the airport. We got to Oaxaca around 2:30 and met some of the people we will be working with. Once we got to their mission base, we got to hear some inspiring stories from our translators and an encouraging talk from Cisco about what we will be doing this week. The Lord really provided joy and energy for us when we got here, and our hosts have been super welcoming and encouraging to us. We are excited to see what the week will bring and how the Lord will work and move.

We started the day very early because we had a long drive ahead of us. We thought that the road trip would be around a couple of hours, but little to our knowledge, it was actually eight hours long. Our drive was good; we went through the villages of Oaxaca and weaved through many mountains. On the way, our translator, Mando, casually told us that we were about to pass the church where they filmed Nacho Libre, so we got to go check that out.

After that, we drove for a couple more hours. We had a quick stop for the van to cool down (not scary at all). While we were walking, everyone was looking at us, and these little girls were looking at us, laughing and making fun of us. I don’t know a lot of Spanish, but I know enough. So, I smiled at her and raised my hand to say hola. When I raised my hand, she flinched as if I was going to hit her. That kind of stuck with me and made me think about how the translator talked about their parents physically abusing them. With that in my head, I was praying for her on the way. Then we finally showed up at our hotel, and to our surprise, it was actually really nice. Then we went to eat with the pastor and his family before church.
At the end of the day, we went to church, and it was in this house next to chicken farms. We did some worship in Spanish, and then I was able to share my testimony with the congregation. It was such a blessing to talk about how God saved me. Seth started to teach, and it was just an awesome message about who we are going to say Jesus is. Then, when that was done, they started speaking in Spanish and looking toward me. Our translator gave me a "come here" motion. He said that he remembered I had said I could play guitar and asked if I could lead worship for them. I had nothing planned, and I have a tough time memorizing lyrics and guitar chords, so I just did the best I could with what I had. I figured there weren’t a lot of English speakers, so if I messed up, it wasn’t a big deal. Worship was great, though! It was awesome to see people truly worshiping God regardless of the language barrier. It was such an awesome experience I’ll remember. I have to remind myself that truly we don’t need great technology, preparation, seating, and heating/cooling to make a “good” church. It’s just about gathering for the glory of God, and that is what happened.

Today, we got to sleep in a little bit before we went to the church to eat breakfast and prepare to go to different houses to bring care packages to. The first stop was to a woman named Juanita. She had lost all ability to walk and was diagnosed with cancer. Due to her inability to walk, her treatment for the cancer was put on hold, since she couldn’t move her body. After hearing her story, we were able to pray for her and give her a care package. Next, we went to pray for a family who had been persecuted for their faith. This family had to completely leave everything they had ever known or had behind. They also were taking care of two of the woman’s son’s kids.

After that we went to the house of Cholita, a woman who had lost both her sight and the majority of her hearing. As we prayed for her, she cried continuously. Lastly, we went to the house of a woman who had a child that had stopped growing due to so many seizures. We were able to pray for his health and that God would have His hand in their lives. After these stops, you could tell that everyone was truly reflecting on their lives and how grateful we are for certain things. Today was a truly humbling day to me and reminds me of how good God is even in the hardest of times.

Our next task of the day was to make at least 100 sandwiches for the upcoming festival we were having. Then, that evening, we held the festival for the kids. We danced, played, sang, hit piñatas and were able to just love on them. My favorite part of the experience was doing gospel beads with them. Even though some of them may not have paid attention or truly took in what it meant, it was a seed. A seed that only God can grow.

The work these pastors are doing here is amazing. They have loved us so well and shown us what it truly looks like to love others. God is good, all the time. And all the time, God is good. A saying we say so often but truly saw what that meant here. All the time He is good, in the hardest of times, sad times, happy times, He’s there. Praise God!
- Ryan Odom + Timothy Team 29
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