What a Great Day!

This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. - Psalm 118:24
"On Saturday, November 9th, 2024, T Bar M Camps & Retreats staff, trustees, and friends gathered at the old Cedar Theater in the Outback of our New Braunfels property. There, we celebrated the groundbreaking of our new Family Camp and retreat facilities on 20 recently added acres adjacent to Base Camp (formerly known as Sports Camp). It was an exciting day of anticipating and praying for all the Lord will do as He expands our territory.
It was my pleasure to welcome the crowd of 150 friends and family as we looked out over the freshly cut trees that had been cleared to make way for the new dining hall and maintenance facility that will be built in the first phase of construction.
I wasn’t sure whether this was a “four score and seven years ago…” or a “dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…” type of event. So, I went with what was on my heart. A day of thankfulness and Psalm 118 seemed to be a perfect narrative for the day. This psalm is an expression of faith and gratitude. I love the emphasis on each day as a gift and a chance to respond with joy and thanksgiving. It was a blessing to have so many there to support T Bar M’s next season as we marked that day as one of remembrance with a desire to be faithful and obedient to what the Lord is doing both in and through this ministry.
I was reminded as we gathered to celebrate buildings, fields, and plans; it is really the people that are the difference at T Bar M—and that includes each of you! It has always been about relationships, our relationship with our Lord and our relationship with each other.
We have several battle cries around here, and I think they are appropriate to acknowledge as we move into this new chapter for T Bar M. Maybe “Don’t Waste Fun” or “Love God, Love Others” is permanently etched in your heart. Our heart’s desire as the Lord expands our territory is that these values and themes would not only be descriptive of our past but also would define the experience of all who come through our gates in the future. We are so thankful for this platform the Lord has used for 43 years of Christ-Centered Adventure.
At T Bar M, worship is a soundtrack that resonates deeply in our hearts, and this day was no different. We worshiped the Lord in song, ending with a heartfelt chorus of “Sanctuary.” The singing quickly turned to laughter as our skit characters, Jack Hammer and Allen Wrench, showed up to remind us about all the history of this place we call home.
The actual history was shared by Scott Turpin, a second-generation member of the founding family and current Trustee. He shared an inspiring reflection on all the Lord has accomplished in and through T Bar M. His thoughts on Proverbs 3:5-6 painted a picture of our desire to trust the Lord in this season and offered a realistic perspective on what it means for Him to “…make straight your paths.” (Hint: it’s not usually straight, but it’s always worth it)
We also heard from Randy Sims, a former Sports Camp Director and current pastor who partners with T Bar M by hosting Discover Camp. The memories he shared were both a reminder and a challenge to pray as the Lord continues to use T Bar M in the lives of families. He shared, “My greatest memories of this Holy Ground are watching families learn how to Love God and Love Others.”
John MacDonald, a former Camp Travis Coach and now T Bar M’s President (or as we like to call him, Head Guy), delivered a great charge from Deuteronomy 28. His message reminded us of our covenant relationship with God and His steadfast love and care as He continues to guide us through this season of growth. John’s encouragement finished with, “As we break the soil today, we declare this new property for the furthering of Christ’s Kingdom. May all who come in be blessed, and all who go out, be a blessing to others.”
The ceremony wrapped up with a sweet time of prayer as we all circled up—yes, in one, huge circle. We took plenty of pictures, of course, both formal and informal. We started with a group of family and friends representing every stage of T Bar M campers: The Turpin Family representing Family Camp, a few Alumni, Timothy Team, a Coach, and Campers of all ages. We’ll look back on this photo for years to come, remembering the day we declared, ‘Lord, this is YOUR day, and we want YOU to receive all the honor and glory for all that you will do with this new platform!’
As we prayed, we reflected on the core values that are the cornerstone of all we do. I invite you to join us as we continue to ask the Lord to use T Bar M Camps & Retreats to point people to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Will you pray with us:
As John 10:10 says, we desire the abundant life. Lord, help us embrace ‘Don’t Waste Fun’ and live joyfully for Your glory.
From Philippians and Colossians: Lord, help us walk in humility, valuing others above ourselves, so that we may serve our guests well. In all we do—whether in word or deed—help us do it all in Your name with grateful hearts. Guide us to be servant leaders as we live out this Christ-centered Adventure.
Lord, we desire to excel still more, practicing Your Truth in relationships and conduct. Help us grow in wisdom, stature, and in favor with You and with others.
Most of all, Lord, this is about Your Kingdom, by Your power, and for Your glory alone.
- Cole Adams, Senior Director of Development

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