Family Camp's Top 10

- Together is better. A family that prays together, and plays together, stays together! The time at Family Camp sets a tone for when you get home. It reminds you of the importance of praying and playing together regularly.
- Make time to huddle. Pick a time … in the morning, just before bed, whenever is best for your family. Sit around the table without distractions to talk and listen and know one another.
- Don’t Waste Fun. In fact, weave fun into your rhythm of life.
- Add to your family. There are still amazing College Students living for Jesus … at T Bar M they are grafted into your family for a week of great impact (on the kids AND the parents)
- Timely Reset. Your annual reset doesn’t have to happen in January. Pick a week in the summer for your family’s time to look back and reflect as well as make goals and look forward to the rest of the year.
- Goodnight Goodies are always a good idea. Topping off the day together with warm cookies and milk is a special treat (and the cookies are good too!)
- Let your kids see you be silly. Dress up for the theme night, let the belly laugh come, go all in at the kickball game, even if you whiff. Kids need to see you play … and well, you need to play.
- Welcome Home! As alumni, we can’t WAIT for you to come “home” to Camp as a family! Show your family the place that had such an impact on your life.
- God is writing amazing stories. Gather with other adults to hear what God is doing and how He is carrying them through the hard. It is quite a gift to hear and share these stories.
- God is good, all the time. He just is. Take a week to get away and be reminded of that very Truth.

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Adopt A Cov This Summer!
For over 30 years, the T Bar M Staff Medallion has been handed to those who have faithfully served (though many served before this tradition began). Over 6,000 people have been part of this team we call family. Whether your medallion still hangs around your neck, is carefully tucked away in a safe place, or hangs where it’s easily seen, the sight of it takes you back to a season of sacrifice, service, and how God changed you.
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Hello from Panama!
Throughout their time in Panama, the T Bar M Team will send updates and prayer requests, which will be shared here. Check back throughout the week to this same page to hear about their trip.
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More Than a Medallion
For over 30 years, the T Bar M Staff Medallion has been handed to those who have faithfully served (though many served before this tradition began). Over 6,000 people have been part of this team we call family. Whether your medallion still hangs around your neck, is carefully tucked away in a safe place, or hangs where it’s easily seen, the sight of it takes you back to a season of sacrifice, service, and how God changed you.
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Ready to Experience
T Bar M?
Give your child the gift of a lifetime and sign up for a summer of adventure, growth, and unforgettable memories!