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Here's Looking at You.

Each Sunday this summer, Alumni gathered at Base Camp in the Sanctuary to pray for the week ahead. We shared the same story each week because we believe it is worth repeating as well as an encouragement and challenge for us today.

It didn’t take long for a young Camper named Fred to note who to follow his first few hours at Base Camp. The college guys they called Coach. Later that evening at Team Meeting, this young Camper most likely couldn’t even remember his Coaches’ actual names after meeting them just three hours prior. But there was no doubt he was watching them closely.

As the hype of Team Meeting turned to a slower moment of worship, one of Fred's Coaches began to quiet his heart, close his eyes, and focus on the words being sung, the staff behind him noted Fred doing the exact same thing. Fred stilled his body, closed his eyes (peeking through one eye every now and then to watch his Coach), and also began to worship.

Your last Team Meeting/Main Thing could have been two weeks ago or two decades ago, but there is no doubt folks are still looking at you and at your life. Your coworkers, your neighbors, your family, and your friends all see the way your life worships Jesus. Some will mimic your actions, some will ask great questions, some will dive deep into knowing Jesus with you. You might not be dressed in a theme t-shirt, Teva's and shorts, or painted the color blue or red, but we are confident of this ... the impact you have now to show others Jesus is just as important as the days you served within the gates of T Bar M.

We are grateful. Grateful for what the Lord did through you then, and what He continues to do through you now.


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Hello from Panama!

Throughout their time in Panama, the T Bar M Team will send updates and prayer requests, which will be shared here. Check back throughout the week to this same page to hear about their trip.
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More Than a Medallion

For over 30 years, the T Bar M Staff Medallion has been handed to those who have faithfully served (though many served before this tradition began). Over 6,000 people have been part of this team we call family. Whether your medallion still hangs around your neck, is carefully tucked away in a safe place, or hangs where it’s easily seen, the sight of it takes you back to a season of sacrifice, service, and how God changed you.
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Have Your Kid Come Work at Camp!

If you've worked at Camp, you know firsthand—God uses T Bar M to change lives summer after summer. Working at Camp shapes our faith, stretches our limits, and teaches us that the Christian life is meant to be lived in community. We learn to work hard, resolve conflict, and rely fully on the Lord.
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T Bar M?
Give your child the gift of a lifetime and sign up for a summer of adventure, growth, and unforgettable memories!