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What is the Gospel?

What did we teach your Camper?

What does it mean to "accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior"?

The Creator of the universe has revealed Himself to humanity as the one true God. He revealed Himself generally through His creation, but specifically through His words spoken through His prophets written down and contained in what we have today - the Bible. (Isaiah 46:9, Romans 1:20, 2 Peter 1:21)

God is perfect, holy, and He made the first man and woman that way, but they disobeyed God (sinned) and as a result, brought condemnation to all people who would come after them. Now, we are separated from God and under judgment that will lead us to permanent, eternal separation from God and all His goodness. (Romans 3:9-19, 5:12)

But because of God's great love for us, He sent his Son, Jesus, into the world. Jesus lived the perfect life we couldn't live, He died the death we deserved to die, He conquered the enemy we couldn't defeat. (John 3:16, Romans 5:8, 1 Corinthians 15:55-57)

Through Jesus' sacrifice, the way has been made open for sinful people to be reconciled to God. The only requirement is faith. When we put our faith (trust) in Jesus by acknowledging that we are separated from God and do not want to remain in that condition, and subsequently turn to Him (repentance) in faith - then we will be saved. (Acts 20:21, Ephesians 2:8-9)

Once we have trusted (or accepted) Jesus, we are filled with the Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing that we will live with Him forever not based upon the good works we have done or will do but based upon the righteousness (perfection) of Jesus on our behalf. (2 Corinthians 5:21, Ephesians 1:13-14)

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Home From Oaxaca!

Tim Team 29 has returned from Oaxaca, where they experienced God work through them in incredible ways. In the second half of their trip, the Team prayed with local families in need, served at the mission house, and hosted a youth event and children’s camp. Lives were transformed as people gave their lives to Christ, asked questions about God, and shared the Gospel with others. Through prayer and service, the Team saw firsthand how God is moving in Oaxaca.
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Living Life-On-Life

Each summer here at T Bar M, we get to see God change the lives of Campers through Christ-centered adventure. Daemyn Cortez’s story is one example of the impact that generous partners have in helping make sure every child can experience what God does here at Camp.
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Hello From Oaxaca!

Tim Team 29 has arrived safely in Oaxaca and is already seeing God at work. In the first few days of their trip, the Team has been building relationships with local hosts, traveling through the villages and mountains of Oaxaca, and serving the community through both work and prayer.
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