Home Sweet Camp

It feels a bit like Thanksgiving as we gathered with our Alumni families before they dropped off their kids at Base Camp. It makes sense: We are family. In one area, there was a kids table and an adult table. At all the tables you heard laughter, telling stories of "remember when", and catching up on the past year. While we didn't all serve the same summers or sing the same theme songs, we had a lot in common. It was the same thing that the young, college Coaches across the room will have in common in years to come.
A summer of life change.
- Our lives
- The lives of Campers we served
- And the lives we live now
Some of us might still sing the elbow song at our dining room tables or bid the kids to do "hi hos" on the weekend while we really want F.O.B.
But the way our lives were changed then, is still being lived out now because of how we lived the summer we served at
T Bar M. We know how to ...
- Love God, Love Others
- Find Community ... looks like a Covenant Group
- Don't Waste Fun
- Die to Self: It's not about us, it's about Him.
- We can do hard things (and they usually make a great story later).
- Share the gospel often. Live it Allways.
We are just ending Session 2 and have LOVED seeing Alumni at our Sunday lunches, Saturdays in the Loft, and around Family Camp tables. Those bringing campers this summer ... our hearts are FUAGNEM to see you. Those that are passing by Camp ... head through the gates, we would love to catch up!

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Adopt A Cov This Summer!

Hello from Panama!

More Than a Medallion
Ready to Experience
T Bar M?