T Bar M Classic 2023

2nd Annual
T Bar M Classic
Lately, I have found myself saying one phrase more than any other. It's only two words, and it is a phrase we hear multiple times every day. Sometimes I think it has stopped carrying the weight that it should because of how frequently it is used. Have you guessed what it is? Here you go ...
There are probably countless other ways to communicate the same idea, but those two words get the job done. Maybe I should try to add some gravitas and dress it up more.
- Thank you for prioritizing others above yourself.
- Thank you for ensuring that kids who don't have the financial means to come to camp now have an opportunity.
- Thank you for giving your time, talent, and treasures to help us accomplish our calling.
- Thank you for introducing your friends and co-workers to us.
- Thank you for trusting us with your time.
- Thank you for partnering with us to raise over $110,000 for our Camper Scholarship fund in one afternoon of golf!
It may sound cliche, but there is an abundance of appreciation and joy behind those two words. So, until we tee off again ... THANK YOU! - Chris Shelton
If someone comes across your heart or path that you know could benefit from a week at camp with campership help … please introduce us!
Have them reach out to T Bar M at development@tbarm.org.
We would delight in you being a part of the process.

"This week at Camp Travis I had so much fun growing in my relationship with the Lord. This week I learned my self worth and identity is not found in the things of this world but through Christ."
"We had a camper who came to T Bar M for the first time. He had recently lost both of his parents and his dad in this last year. He was very hesitant to come to camp for the first time and wanted to go home almost as soon as he arrived. He was homesick and overwhelmed with what was happening in his life. He struggled to believe that God was good amidst all the pain and suffering he had experienced at a young age. His coaches spent the entire week praying with and for him, processing his grief, encouraging him with truth, and showing him how to find hope in the Lord. Over time, he began to realize that even with his deep questions and pain, he can take comfort knowing that there is a Savior who loves Him. On Wednesday, he chose to give his life to Christ for the first time! Not only that, but he also wanted his aunt and uncle he’s been living with to be the first ones to find out. Eventually, he expressed a desire to get baptized. On closing day, alongside his aunt and uncle and all the base camp coaches, he made a public profession of faith and was baptized by his coach. This was an amazing story of redemption, hope, and the way God uses camp to change people’s lives. Praise God for the hope we have in Christ and the peace this camper has experienced through Jesus working in his life. (We have pictures!)."
"This week I learned: I do not have to worry about my past because I am forgiven, and that I am free in Christ. I do not have to work towards heaven, my eternity is set with Christ!"
"This week I got to reconnect with God. I’ve learned that I don’t have to carry the weight of my sins and that through God, I am forgiven. God is the only fulfillment I need in my life and the lies and darkness from the world are not worth my attention."
"This week was nice, and I had awesome coaches. I learned to forgive and let go not judge or condemn others. I also learned to stay true to my faith."
"What I did at camp was a lot of fun, but what I enjoyed more was getting into God’s word and having someone go deep with my questions. In Casey’s small group, he helped me learn that sinning is bad, but Jesus died for our sins."
"Our 5th grade daughter had a very trying school year, between classroom/teacher chaos and the heavy hit of unbiblical culture pressures. She’d come home withdrawn many days. She was melancholy and sometimes incorrigible. We heard very little from her about school or friends. We picked up a bright-eyed, very talkative, joyful, smiling daughter from camp. We can only imagine she felt safe, seen, and loved at camp - because only the love of Jesus can create this beauty. We’re deeply grateful for T Bar M and its strict and ongoing commitment to the Bible and declaring God’s love and plan to youth."
Love God, Love Others,
Your T Bar M Family!
We love to hear the stories God writes. Do you have one to tell?
Email marketing@tbarm.org
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