It is so good to be home at T Bar M!

Welcoming Kelli Boyd home
“God writes some amazing stories.” I’m going to credit Keith Myer with that quote. I don’t know if he stole it or if he was prompted by the Holy Spirit from all the incredible things we have heard and experienced at T Bar M in the last 40+ years. Nonetheless, the longer I Iive, the more I am amazed at what our Lord chooses to do in us and through us. I’m so thankful to have a front row seat and I want to encourage you to not only recognize, but also celebrate the amazing stories the Lord writes. If you haven’t already heard, He is still writing (multiple) incredible stories around T Bar M.
I have the honor to share with you … Kelli Boyd is back serving with T Bar M!
There is no shortage of stories of folks who were great in an arena, took a break, and then returned. From Brett Farve, Michael Phelps, Roger Clemens, and George Foreman in sports to Garth Brooks, Cher, and David Letterman in entertainment … there are seasons that many of the greatest in their fields have been away and then come back. For different reasons and in different circumstances, y’all, I feel like the Michael Jordan of relationships and connecting is coming back to the T Bar M game!
I am so incredibly excited to have Kelli joining me and the Development Team to help us love and care for people! Her first 27 years with us began in 1991 as a summer coach. Then in ’96 she became the first Women’s Director. Her next 20 years, Kelli directed Family Camp and served with our Hospitality Teams. Now, Kelli will be concentrating on Alumni (yes, come on, y’all reach out!), Camp Moms and gathering friends of T Bar M, and so much more!
SOME CALL IT CAMP, WE CALL IT HOME. And yall, it is so very good to be home at T Bar M!
GOD HAS USED THIS PLACE, the people, and experiences it offers to shape and equip me and my family in ways we just can't fathom or take credit for. Those lessons and moments keep bringing us to His Truth. Reliable Truth that allows us to walk through all our days with joy and peace. (Isaiah 55:12-13)
Speaking of JOY... connecting with YOU all makes me giddy! I am looking forward to hearing how the Lord continues to work in your life... and gathering to waste no fun while we're at it! For the very reason Cole shares below, I am so FUAGNEM to serve at T Bar M again. Can't wait to see you!
-Kelli Boyd
As the Lord continues to kindly lead us in recovery from the implications of 2020 and COVID, welcoming Kelli back on staff is one of the markers of health and healing for our Camp Family. In those hard months, decisions were made and relationships with many were strained, to say the least.
Kelli has faithfully served the Lord in several capacities in the last 3 years. The Lord has done a work in her heart and honestly has prepared her to go and represent T Bar M in new and great and hard and different ways. Our goals as a Development Team will be centered on relationships. We know we will be cultivating new relationships and stewarding long-standing relationships. We also feel blessed to mend some broken relationships. We have a team who loves the Lord and cares deeply for T Bar M and the people who make this place one of the most special places on earth. And now that we have the MJ of relationships on the team 😉, look out, we’re headed to make much about Jesus and steer T Bar M toward relational greatness!
And not to toss out too much info (SPOILER ALERT)…you just wait for what’s coming…Alumni Christ-centered adventures, Reunions, and parties galore! It’s going to be fun y’all! We’re so excited to spur one another on toward love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24)!
Love God, Love Others,
- 2nd generation WOGS make me smile!
- The T Bar M Family impact is HUGE!
- Watching your own son be a coach is so sweet!
- Don’t Waste Fun!
- Circa 1993. Can’t wait to see what more God has in store! What will God do next?
- Jaw. Knee. Polk.
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Adopt A Cov This Summer!

Hello from Panama!

More Than a Medallion
Ready to Experience
T Bar M?