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July 2023 Alumni Newsletter

"I worked the summer of Inside Out"

I feel like everywhere I look, the Lord is reminding me of the things He taught me at Camp. Now, I know some of you may be thinking, “Cole, when you have spent almost 2/3 of your life at T Bar M, I HOPE the Lord has used that in great ways!” But whether you spent one half summer or multiple years of your life at Camp, I trust the Lord has used it to shape your walk with Him. Reading God’s Word daily (Batter’s Box and First Fruits) has really evolved into daily reading, weekly extended sabbath, quarterly seeking a day of silence and solitude, and annually getting away for an extended time with the Lord (wow, feels like I am signing up for some accountability from friends on this one! 😉). The way we learned to live in community (Covenant Groups) has really set the tone for how Jen and I engage with our church small group. And then, of course, investment in others (ummm, I think that is all of Camp) looks a lot like raising kids as well as loving on and investing in anyone the Lord allows me to connect with. But one of the hardest things I think for us to grab hold of at Camp is time. The days are long, but the weeks are short! It's hard to remember what year I was first a Coach … however; we can all likely recall in our own Campy way! How, you might ask? Just call it the Max Out summer…or the Rightbackatchanow summer…or maybe it was the Stamp’d summer. How many times do we hear, “Oh, I don’t remember what year that was, but I know it was Bring It!” 

Verse Isaiah 40:31 “But those who wait for the Lord’s help find renewed strength; they RISE UP as if they had eagles’ wings, they run without growing weary, they walk without getting tired.”

Like the nation of Israel in Isaiah’s day we are in desperate need of comfort and hope, but when we look inward instead of upward our anxiety only increases. The promise is for those who wait for the Lord’s help. Amid hardship, when we grow tired and weary, when we stumble and fall; it is we who hope in the Lord who will RISE UP!

The world tells us that to get ahead in life we have to work harder, try harder, pull ourselves up by the bootstraps. God’s economy is different. He tells us to come to Him all who are weary, and He will give us rest. We know that life is hard, but He tells us that His yoke is easy and His burden is light. 

This summer as we are coming into the homestretch of summer camp, we invite you all to join us as we Rise UP by putting our faith in the only One who can handle it…the One true, sovereign God!    

Which theme was your favorite?

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In case you missed it -

Here's a mid-summer update on all things T Bar M Camps!


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Adopt A Cov This Summer!

For over 30 years, the T Bar M Staff Medallion has been handed to those who have faithfully served (though many served before this tradition began). Over 6,000 people have been part of this team we call family. Whether your medallion still hangs around your neck, is carefully tucked away in a safe place, or hangs where it’s easily seen, the sight of it takes you back to a season of sacrifice, service, and how God changed you.
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Hello from Panama!

Throughout their time in Panama, the T Bar M Team will send updates and prayer requests, which will be shared here. Check back throughout the week to this same page to hear about their trip.
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More Than a Medallion

For over 30 years, the T Bar M Staff Medallion has been handed to those who have faithfully served (though many served before this tradition began). Over 6,000 people have been part of this team we call family. Whether your medallion still hangs around your neck, is carefully tucked away in a safe place, or hangs where it’s easily seen, the sight of it takes you back to a season of sacrifice, service, and how God changed you.
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Ready to Experience 
T Bar M?
Give your child the gift of a lifetime and sign up for a summer of adventure, growth, and unforgettable memories!